Welcome to UN Climate Change's It’s Possible Podcast
Mae Jemison podcast

The climate crisis is overwhelming, scary and difficult to tackle. Difficult yes, impossible no!

While COP 26 in Glasgow was in full swing, UN Climate Change launched the “It’s Possible” Podcast to inspire positive change, unpack the climate emergency, and connect science and action.

In each episode, our host Sarah Marchildon will sit down to speak to climate leaders. We believe that meaningful and honest conversations can help us build a climate-positive future.

We want you, the listener, to be a special guest in the podcast. So, send your questions and comments to itspossible@unfccc.int.

Subscribe to “It’s Possible” on your favourite podcast platform. And join the conversation on social media, use the hashtag #ItsPossible.

Episode 1 with Astronaut Dr Mae Jemison

Days before COP 26, we talked to American astronaut Dr Mae Jemison, the first woman of colour to travel to space. 


We talk about the evolution of space travel and how all those new learnings and discoveries can help us improve life on Earth.  Dr Jemison explains what she learnt from her space experience and her work as a doctor in Sierra Leone, an engineer helping other astronauts fly safely, and, more recently at the helm of the 100 Years Starship initiative.

Visit the episode page to listen to the episode, find multimedia content, or download the episode from your favourite podcast platform, and share on social media using the hashtag #ItsPossible.

