Incubators and accelerators

Incubators and accelerators play a multidimensional role in supporting climate-resilient and low-emission technologies to be developed, accepted and used by society. The Technology Executive Committee, the Green Climate Fund and the Climate Technology Centre and Network present the following publications with the aim of boosting the use of incubators and accelerators in developing countries.

Summary: Catalysing Finance for Incubators and Accelerators

This publication identifies ways to catalyse finance for climate technology incubators and accelerators in developing countries. It aims to inform the Green Climate Fund as it develops a request for proposals on climate technology incubators and accelerators.

Download the summary here or read online below:
Télécharger la version française ici
Descarga la versión en español aquí

Full report: Climate Technology Incubators and Accelerators

The report examines the feasibility of the incubator and accelerator approaches for climate technology entrepreneurship in developing countries. It provides findings and recommendations on how such organizations can scale-up and speed-up technology innovation for addressing climate change.

Download the full report here or read online below: